Thursday, July 27, 2006

Today is an anniversary for peace. On this day in 1953, the armistice was signed that ended the Korean War in 1953. Twenty-four thousand, one hundred and eighty five young Americans lost their lives in this useless conflict that offered no long term solutions to world peace. The Koreas are still divided and the North continues to make it's threats and missile tests taunting the world-- will we ever learn that war is so useless? So little is gained over what we all lose in the process. Personally, I think that Douglas Macarthur was correct and President Harry Truman was dead wrong. If you are going to fight a war-- better fight it like you intend to win! Today is also a very interesting duel day in history-- and funny it involves the same famous person. On this day in 1960 Richard M. Nixon was nominated by the Republican Party to be President of The United States to run against John F. Kennedy. Fourteen years later in 1974, Richard M. Nixon was impeached for various misdeeds associated with the Watergate scandal. Of course we all know that Nixon had less than one month to remain president after that day-- but isn't it funny that a man reaches the mountain top of his first success and the point of his ultimate doom on the same day -- many years apart! History is always very interesting to look at and study. Twenty years later, Richard Nixon was dead--history is always in cycles it seems. Today is also the birthday of my arranger, Mr. Tim Doran. I've said it before, but I will say it always as to how grateful I am for this man's genius, friendship and patience with songwriter me all these many years. I simply could not be a songwriter without his help. My sisters got all the piano lessons and I was left without. But to me, music will always be the passion of my life. Today also I face a great challenge at work and need to really finish all of the training to be a Ritz manager by the end of August. I am scheduled to take over my Studio City store as manager for the month of September. If I do well there then I can go forward in this company. Of course, it would be better if songwriting was the sole source of my income, but until that day arrives...


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