Sunday, July 23, 2006

On this incredibly hot day of at least 103 degress, I would like to give a tip of the hat and an "atta boy" to Mr. Charles E. Menches who on this date in 1904 at the Louisana Purchase Exposition invented and sold for the very first time: "the ice cream cone" Ye gods, how I love ice cream in an ice cream cone. It just has to be one of the most delicious treats on the planet! I am told that he sold the cone with a scoop of any flavor of ice cream for the unbelievable bargain price of three cents each. Imagine that bargain hunters-- three cents! Oh me! I remember back when i was a kid, when there was a Thrifty Drug Store. As I was growing up here in Southern California, it was a haven for great bargains. My mother certainly shopped there a lot and later in life my sister Rosemary would go to work for them as an inventory specialist. Thrifty Drug Stores sold ice cream cones in 1960's for the paltry price of ten cents for one scoop, fifteen cents for two and twenty cents for three huge scoops of any of two dozen different flavors. Ah those were the days! I remember when my Aunt Laura used to make home made ice cream in her ice cream maker--oh was that delicious! So lets hear it for Mr. Menches! Not much else happening here except heat-- so I'll sign off for now! Until next time!


Amy said...

The ice cream cone - one of life's simple pleasures! And a good way to feel cool when it is so hot! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.